Further efforts are needed for the development of pre-school education and the country must invest in both access and quality, said Steffen Hudolin, Head of Cooperation in the EU Delegation to the country, at Monday’s final conference of a project on raising the quality of pre-school education and care. “Regarding access, despite the recent progress...
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Category: Education
Janevska: Cooperative approach necessary to support young people’s mental health
The Ministry of Education and Science has received six reports of peer violence since the beginning of the school year, and they are being followed up on, said Education Minister Vesna Janevska. She pointed out that the state has a system to support the mental health of young people through the schools, and the Ministry...
New school year: Number of elementary and high school students drops
Monday marks the start of the 2024/2025 school year for all students in elementary and high schools. According to Education Ministry’s data, the new school year will start for 245,000 elementary and high school students, down by 17,000 in the past seven years. “The number of first graders also dropped by nearly 3,500 compared to...
Secondary schools end school year, primary schools to have classes until June 17
The 2023/2024 school year ends Monday for secondary school students, while primary school students have an additional week left until their summer break which will begin on June 17. The school year ends earlier for secondary schools since the Ministry of Education and Science agreed to a request by the Union of High School Students...